I am a miracle made up of particles
living and breathing in this ocean of love
I give thanks I give thanks
So magical we are yet we dont know the powers we hold within
Sitting in lotus on this earth I feel the heart beat underneath my chest in unison with the the beat underneath me
I give thanks I give thanks
I sing shanti shanti shanti to the higher vibrations and bring my hands to my hearts center and bow my head
I give thanks to the sea for she teaches me of the tides and the ebb and flow of life
Things come things go and we still carry on
I give thanks to the tree's for they teach me to be strong and grounded in who I am
I give thanks to the birds for they sings songs of connection and love
I give thanks to the animals for they remind us of how we use to be
This life brings light we just need to open our eyes to see it
Aloha Namaste Thank you