Sunday, November 28, 2010

A peaceful day

My turkey day was prob a little different than others. I spent my morning surfing some beautiful waves with my family. The sun was out and the air was warm and to my surprise I had a blast sliding on some glassy peelers. I enjoyed sitting on my board as the water gently eased my mind. The ocean is where I feel most comfortable and I had time to sit and think of what I am thankful for on this day we call Thanksgiving. I thought of all my family and how we share the ocean and enjoy the same sport or more of a lifestyle shall I say. Its such a warm feeling to know that the ocean is where we all go to spend our spare time. I also thought alot about how thankful I am for my boyfriend. He treats me like a princess and we have so much love for each other. Im thankful for all the amazing friends I have in my life and grateful my dear friend Rachel got to spend this day with me. Last but not least I am thankful for the Native Americans. They deserve much more than thanks and I only hope people realize this. I honered my native American friends by wearing some items I thought represented them. The night was full of music and good eats and im so glad I live the life I live.

Peace and Love

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, Thanks to your family for being so welcoming and to you for reminding us all of the origins. Love all of you and it was a joy to spend the day with such wonderful folks.
