Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Food for thought

Lately I really have been thinking.  Do I really need a face book in my life?  I have many reasons why i should keep it and why I should not.  It just seems like something my life does not need to rely on.  I mean I do have email.  I don't have cable and just recently got internet so maybe no face book would be good.  Its lovely to be able to talk to friends and keep in touch but I find it to be a habit and not a need.  Why do we as people need to look into other peoples lives and know what they are doing every moment.  I dont know if I will go through with it but its deff in the back of my mind to make life more simple.

Peace and love

1 comment:

  1. its taking over the world. thats what i love most about traveling. no phone, no internet. but then again all you have to do is start right here right now. but for business aspects i think facebook is good for advertising. and i wouldnt have found your blog if it wasnt for facebook:) take the good with the bad.
