Saturday, August 25, 2012

Standing still

Life is very interesting.  It shows you new things every day.  Whether its good or bad your learning a lesson, finding out things about you or another person.  Its endless.  Lately I feel like a statue and all life and new life forces are fluttering around me.   Its a interesting feeling I have to say.  Theres people around me yet occasionally I feel alone and confused.  Things have been a emotional roller coaster from everything going right to none of those things happening. But hey thats life and you have to rock and roll with what ever it brings you.  Just staying positive and keep the flow of good energy going.  Its tough I know but in the end it works out. 

Living and loving have a beautiful day <3

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Baby got Fringe

Well i have to say these Australian goddesses sure know how to make a fringe bag! Spell and the Gypsy Collective have to be one of my favorite blogs right now.  As a fringe bag maker myself I really appreciate good work when I see it.  Heres is the link to these beautiful ladies blog.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I am a tree

I feel as if im a small tree that has just been planted and everyday day i get watered I grow slightly more.  My roots are beginning to grip the soil of the earth and the sunlight strengthens me.  With care and love for myself my branches will reach for the stars.  I may Be small but we all have to start somewhere.  As the sun and daily watering runs through my veins I begin to realize that I am finally rooted! Ohhhh the feeling of having roots and being grounded and one with the earth.  Soon I will branch and grow leaves.  I am a tree. 

Namaste sweet ones.  Sink your roots into the earth and love the light that shines on your beautiful souls <3