Saturday, April 30, 2011


Ever since I  can remember I have been fascinated with Native American  culture.  All the colors and intricate designs.  No wonder I base my jewelry designs off of it.  Im so proud to be part Cherokee Indian and I love making Jewelry that shows that off.  I will be putting up some of my work very soon.

Peace and much Love

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tepees please

Ahhhh if I only could live in one of these :) There is something so magical about tepees.  Maybe its my love for the outdoors or my native American roots but having a tepee has been a dream of mine for a while. Im sure i will be staying in one someday. Until then ill be dreaming of dreaming in a tepee.

Peace and much love

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Graduate

My wonderful boyfriend Drew graduated this weekend and i could never be happier for him.  He is everything to me and seeing him so happy made me just as happy.  He has worked so hard at Flagler College and he deserves so much more than I can give him.  I also got the pleasure of spending the week with his amazing family.  They are so connected with each other and its so beautiful so see and be a part of.  So Drew, im so proud of you and now that your out of school we can explore the world together like the flower children we are. Love you more than the world.

Peace and Love

Summer wish list

Summer is such a beautiful time of the year and I love the fashion.  There is nothing better than wearing a cute pair of sandals to show off your freshly painted toes or throwing on a fun pair of gaucho pants to make your outfit unique.  So here is my wish list for the summer.  Hope I can get them all : )

Peace and Love

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rock and roll mama

I have been reading the book just kids by Patti Smith.  she is such a talented women  and an inspiration to me as well.  She went through so much to get to where she is.  Living in the 60's was a very hard time but also an amazing time to live in. She got to be friends with Jimi Hendrix Janis Joplin and the Velvet Underground.  She lived and witnessed so many of my day dreams.  I admire her for what she does and I love how she stuck to her roots and who she is.  Im gonna stick to my roots  and be who I am just like Patti :)

 Peace and much love and remember who you are .

Summer suit

I came across this brand of bathing suits that are eco friendly and adorable.  Its nice to know that there are designers earth conscious.  Every little bit helps and gosh darnit these suits are cute :)

Go to- to find these adorable looks

Thursday, April 14, 2011

just me

My dear friend, roommate and talented woman and photographer Haley Welsh took these photos of well me being me :)

Thank you Haley

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I have been thinking and daydreaming alot and boy do I wanna have a job involving fashion.  The company I have truly become intrigued with is Free People.  I have to say their company and look describes me to a T.  Its not only a company  but a way of living.  Its a life of love,peace and freedom to be who you want to be.  I think us as women need to express ourselves and what better way is through clothing and art.  I am a avid reader of their blog and pretty much drool over every piece of clothing they put up on their site.  I love creating my own individual style.  Putting together things that dont match makes me feel different and special.  I like not looking the "norm" whatever that seems to mean.  As for now I work in boutiques and surf stores getting my fix of styling and ordering clothing.  I hope one day I will have a job that fits me perfectly and as of now im dreaming of being a free people gal. :)

Peace and much love

Dear Ocean:

You are my home.  You are the place i feel the most comfortable.  Why is that I feel so free gliding on your waves.  They are like warm arms wrapping around me and embracing me with hugs and kisses.  You are what I go to when I need to meditate and think about life.  When i think of fun I think of you.  You keep me refreshed on summer days and keep me longing for you on winter mornings.  Is it weird that I dream of you?  I hope we are together for ever.  Take care of me throughout my life and comfort me.  Being a mermaid and all I kinda need you in my life all the time. I just wanted to let you know I love you and say thank you for all you do for me .

Peace and Love