Saturday, January 19, 2013

She speaks with love

I have learned to love myself. Oh how i thought I knew.  The feeling of being strong not only on the outside but on the inside. Feeling my spirit grow like a tree.  My seeds have been planted long ago but I am now just learning how to water them to make them grow.  Not listening to the mind and letting prana speak.  What a soft voice she has so delicate yet so powerful.  If only we all listened to her and felt the goodness from within. Taking the time to breathe and feel the light caress my skin.  With moments like these what else do we need.  The stillness and quiet touch of the air we call life speaks so much more than words.  Inhail light exhale love. Even on a dreary day I feel like the sun is shining.  The flowers smell sweeter and the cardnal always comes out from the branches to remind us of our inner light. That light that only speaks of good never evil.  Les take time quiet our voices and listen to what she has to say.

Soooooo much abundance

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sweet dreams

Ok so I have to document this dream I had last night.  One of the most amazing dreams I have ever had. Heres the story.  Last night we went camping for New Years and celebrated in nature.  It was getting towards the end of the night and my throat was feeling sore so I decided to get some rest.  I got into bed and could not stop shivering for about an hour. I was soooooooo cold.  I felt like one of those vibrating cat toys. So I told my self fall asleep and it will be ok.  So I finally fell asleep and I started to dream of all these native womens bringing me blankets they had made and were putting them over me. I was so grateful they were taking care of me.  I woke up and was perfectly warm.  It was so amazing.  Im so thankful for these native american goddesses.  Wow is all I can say and thank you to those spirits that look after me. So much love and ready for this new year.