Friday, July 24, 2015

She bleeds

Lets take off our masks and shed our layers of armor

Lets stop taking chemicals to hide our truth

Wipe off your make up and burn your bra

slip into something more comfortable

what are we hiding from?

I bleed because im a woman and how beautiful is that

what if we spent time together in a tent when the moon is becoming new

Something our sisters have done before us

Lets be free to feel

Free to know who we are and to do things for our inner self

Why must we listen to these false words we have been conditioned to think are true

Lets make a stand and come back to us

Come back to the source

Come back to the earth

We are women and we are strong

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I breathe for you

Dear quiet breathe that flows freely through this flesh

you began slow and weary 

your heat was burning  deep within my roots 

with age and wonder of the light you grew 

your luster began to sparkle as illusion began to fade away

turning into a woman I learn how to deepen you and use you to connect to the highest light 

As I deeply inhale I take in your sweet nectar, when I exhale I let go of of what binds me 

closing my eyes I sink deeper within and visualize a form of you 

seconds feel like hours until i let go and forget time 

Just to feel you for a moment brings me that much closer to a  release 

Shhhhh theres no need for words let the silence do the talking 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A mothers touch

I stand here alone in the garden breathing in the sweet perfume of the earth 

What a familiar and comforting smell 

She wraps her arms around me as I close my eyes 

My feet sink deep into the soil and I feel grounded yet weightless 

The leaves dance back and forth and I as well begin the move  

The birds sing me a song, a song about how it used to be 

A song of long ago when the mother was not being harmed and life lived in harmony working together as one

For that moment in time I didnt feel the weight of the world.

I felt the beauty and warm comforting touch of a mother 

I knew in that moment I was being watched over and I took a deep breathe with a child like grin 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

She speaks in colors

She's  as wild and free as the ocean and as deep as its depths

Her eyes are warm and brown but can gaze at you like a fierce lion

Like a wolf she holds on to her pack yet keeps a quiet mystery about her

Her hands drenched in stones each one holding a story of her travels

Light clothing floats off her tanned skin, as the wind flirts with the loose fabric

Bare feet move in the sand burrowing in the warm sensation of the pebbles

Her eyes catch his from across the way and time stands still the kinda still when seconds feel like hours

She smiles because she knows she is right where she is supposed to be

Monday, January 5, 2015

I am a miracle

I am a miracle made up of particles

living and breathing in this ocean of love

I give thanks  I give thanks

So magical we are yet we dont know the powers we hold within

Sitting in lotus on this earth I feel the heart beat underneath my chest in unison with the the beat underneath me

I give thanks I give thanks

I sing shanti shanti shanti to the higher vibrations and bring my hands to my hearts center and bow my head

I give thanks to the sea for she teaches me of the tides and the ebb and flow of life

Things come things go and we still carry on

I give thanks to the tree's for they teach me to be strong and grounded in who I am

I give thanks to the birds for they sings songs of connection and love

I give thanks to the animals for they remind us of how we use to be

This life brings light we just need to open our eyes to see it

Aloha Namaste Thank you